
Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2022

5 Ciri dagang nasi goreng enak

  5 Ciri dagang nasi goreng enak :  1. Ber gerobak, restoran cenderung tidak lezat  2. Bapak2 tua 40 tahun keatas bertampang sehat dan berkumis lebat tanpa jenggot, anak muda cendrung tidak enak.  3. Stylenya baju berkerah, warna cerah (klo orang jawa merknya crocodile, sedangkan non jawa polo dll), yg jawa merantau pake kemeja kotak2  4. Bajunya dimasukin, dengan celana jeans, gesper kulit imitasi. 5. Rambut hitam agak keriting dikit. Murah senyum, dan selalu say thx tiap transaksi sekian peler (pemburuan kuliner) semoga bermanfaat. Sumber:  Kontribusi oleh: Kirimkan Copypasta-mu di sini

Apa yang dimaksud dengan bruh?

 Apa yang dimaksud dengan bruh? Bruh adalah istilah informal untuk teman pria, sering digunakan sebagai bentuk sapaan.  Misalnya: Hei, bruh, bisakah Anda memberikan saya remote?  Sementara bruh telah dicatat dalam bahasa Inggris Hitam sejak tahun 1890-an, bruh menyebar sebagai kata seru yang dengan berbagai cara mengungkapkan keterkejutan atau kekecewaan setidaknya sejak tahun 2010-an Sumber:  Kontribusi oleh: Kirimkan Copypasta-mu di sini

Before I begin my actual reply, I would like to apologize in advance for my inadequate level of English proficiency.

 Before I begin my actual reply, I would like to apologize in advance for my inadequate level of English proficiency. I am not a native speaker of the world's current lingua franca which unfortunately leads to me making numerous embarrassing mistakes being made whenever I attempt to communicate using this language. Whenever I am reminded of how I lack the ability to convey my thoughts in an eloquent manner, I feel as though I have committed a cardinal sin, as though every English teacher in the world is simultaneously shaking their head and sighing due to how utterly disappointed they are at me.  Although I know that saying sorry to those of you who are reading my comment will not change the fact that I fail miserably to write and speak perfect English, I am writing this as a way to deter a certain type of people who cannot stand poor English (Also known informally as Grammar Nazis) from mocking me by posting unwanted and unnecessary comments detailing my every blunder. In my humbl


 What is this... "Autocorrect..." You speak of? There only thing I know that you could possibly mean is autocorrupt. Is that what you meant? Sumber:  Kontribusi oleh: Kirimkan Copypasta-mu di sini